February 22, 2025

Marking a grave site with a tombstone is common in almost all cultures and religions to commemorate the dead. In many countries, most of the graves in the cemetery have their own tombstone. As a rule, tombstones show the names and dates of life of the deceased. Depending on the religious orientation and preferences, these are supplemented with a cross or other symbols, in some regions with small pictures or a funeral motto. Other decorations made of glass or metal are also possible. In some places the design of the tombstones is regulated by cemetery regulations. Instead of gravestones, grave crosses formerly “death boards” are also common in many regions.

For the bereaved, in addition to the undertaker, the stonemason is an important point of contact in the event of death. Because the stonemasons melbourne makes the gravestone for the deceased according to your wishes and, if necessary, taking into account the requirements of the cemetery regulations. He also erects the grave border on the grave site to match the selected tombstone and in consultation with the relatives. It should be noted that this can probably only take place a few months after the burial, as the earth on the grave must first sink before the tomb can be erected.

stonemasons melbourne

The stone carving is one of the oldest crafts known to man. Millennia ago, the production or processing of gravestones was one of the respected professions. Even today we admire ancient graves and sculptures as examples of artistic and technical masterpieces. The long tradition within the stonemason profession is maintained to this day. There is certain work clothing – a blue apron as a distinguishing feature as well as certain rituals the acquittal ceremony after passing the journeyman’s examination. These shape the profession to this day.

Either in the field of stone carving or stone mason the focus of the stone sculptor is artistic stone processing, i.e. the creation of stone figures and sculptures. The stonemason, on the other hand, works with massive pieces of stone and is therefore the right contact for creating a gravestone. In addition, the restoration and the preservation of monuments, with the processing or production of stairs, facades or sculptures, among other things, belong to his tasks.


The stonemason produces unique tombstones according to your wishes. The production and processing together with the engraving of the dates of life and ornaments are among his primary tasks. To do this, they use various chisels in numerous shapes as well as power tools and, increasingly, computer-controlled technologies. Such a tombstone is therefore also more expensive than an industrially mass-produced stone but individually. Machine-made stones are usually polished and do not differ much in shape and appearance.