March 9, 2025

We are all aware of how early the detection of severe diseases is important so that we can cure them. But sometimes, we do not pay enough attention to early signs that might be causing us some severe health damage. Those of you who like to enjoy the sun should be aware that sometimes it can cost you more than you can even imagine.

Everyone who has more than 50 stains on the body or those who were burned more often in the sun, or has the atypical stains are considered to be persons at a higher risk of getting skin cancer. White people are the most common victims of skin cancer, but people other races can also suffer from it. For example, famous singer Bob Marley died of a poor aggressive melanoma that was not spotted in time.

Skin Basics

Human skin has multiple functions: sensory, regulatory and protective. The skin colour depends on the condition of the blood vessels, on the colour of the blood and on the amount of pigment. The surface of the skin in an adult man of average height is 1.7 m2, and the weight is about 18 per cent of the body’s total weight. The epidermis is the uppermost layer of the skin, the derma is the middle layer and the hypoderma is subcutaneous fatty tissue.


When To Go To The Doctor

You should go to a dermatologist whenever you see changes in the sign, colours or spots. In most cases, the sign of change is not cancer, and in these situations, a doctor may request periodic appointments to see if there has been a change in the skin or even decided to remove the sign of surgery to prevent the development of cancer. For instance, let us consider you visited Sun Doctors cancer checks which can help you in preventing this fatal disease. They offered you the most certain and complete solution for your possible problems and skin cancer diagnosis and treatment. Henceforth, the right treatment at the right time is a must.

Basics Of Skin Cancer

There are several forms of skin cancer, among them are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. Each of them is associated with exposure to the sun, primarily with burns caused by exposure.

Bazocellular Carcinoma

This is the most common skin cancer in white and the second most common malignant skin tumor in African Americans. Basal cell carcinoma is usually associated with exposure to UV light. It is found mostly on parts of the body that we exposed to the sun, such as the face and neck.

A study by Howard University found that about 89 per cent of basal cell carcinoma occurs on the head or neck. The good side of this form of cancer is that they rarely metastasize, i.e. it does not spread through our bodies.


Platelet Cell Carcinoma

Platelet cell carcinoma affects the cells of the highest skin layer. It is the second in the frequency of skin cancer. It is more aggressive than basal cancer. In the beginning, it is usually painless, but it can become painful after developing non-healing ulcers.

This type of cancer can occur on normal skin, burns, injuries, scars, or at the site of chronic inflammation (which can occur in many skin diseases). It is most commonly developed on parts of the skin damaged by the sun, such as actinic keratosis. It usually appears after your 50 years of age.



The third and deadliest type of skin cancer is Melanoma. This type of skin cancer is spread among all racial groups. It is also commonly found in the area of the neck and head. The cause of its creation is unknown. Melanoma usually occurs in adults, but can sometimes be found in children and adolescents. Melanoma is a more severe form of cancer than other types. It can be rapidly spread (metastasized) to other parts of the body through the lymphatic system or through the blood.

Risk Factors

Each and every one of us should be aware of potential risks. The risk factors can be multiple:

  • 50 or more ordinary stains
  • atypical stains of irregular shape and colour
  • burns from the sun in the past, especially in the younger age
  • skin sensitive to the sun that easily burns or creates prickles on it
  • if there were cases of skin cancer in the family
  • improper use of the solarium