January 22, 2025

Winters are already at Doorstep and the season is changed.   Not just the humans, but also your dog feel the changes in their daily diet and body.  There are lots of pet owners who are not aware of the whole thing. It not just makes their pet’s health weak but also cause lots of health issues too. That’s why it’s important for you to understand the nutrients and change in diets that your dog need in this winter.

Here is how you can do it: what to know?

Before you go for changing the diet of your dog, keep these things in mind os you will get the results that you want.

  • Add more calories: Well when it comes to winter, your dog is going to need more calories in taking in order to spend more time outside.  However, you can add more calories by wither switching the meal servings as it can be divided into two or three small portions. For making it more good for your dog you can even add chicken broth with no salt and use dry foods too. Along with that, you can get food with more calories which are available just for the dogs in winter.
  • Decrease the overall amount: while you make the food healthier for your dog but you have to reduce the amount that your dog eats. Instead of putting everything at once, break the food into small servings. You can also reduce the treats you give for keeping their stomach healthy in winters.
  • Go with diet foods for dog: another thing that you can do is to go with the diet foods that you can simply get from options like Zooplus. However before you buy diet food, make sure that you remember not all diet food contains the same thing and same level in calories. It’s important for you to check the nutrients that you get in the food.  There are also lots of things that you need to take care while you switch your dog with diet food.
  • Get supplements: You can add supplements to your dog food for making it healthy and good for winters. These supplements are easily in the market, but also you need to know which supplement you should give to your dog and for what. Well, for example, you can choose glucosamine or chondroitin as these are good for boosting your dog’s joints.
  • Go slow with the change: Changing the diet so sudden can make your dog uncomfortable and also upset their stomach. Sometimes it also leads to vomiting as well as diarrhea. That’s why instead of switching in sudden; you can simply add the food in the normal food that dog is eating. Take at least ten days for changing the diet as the time is enough to make your dog habitual with the new diet. It will also keep the hunger and your dog will enjoy what you are giving them to eat.